It’s time to unleash the power of color for your personal brand.
My love for color has always been there. From dressing in odd color combinations in school to starting my career as a photographer. Color has always guided me, brought me joy and inspiration. I am so lucky I get to share my love for colors with you through my work - and hope this guide inspires you to show your true colors to the world. Because the world can never have too much color in it. - Anna
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Dive into the fascinating world of color and get inspired to use colors to stand out from the crowd.
Harmonious use of color
Explore the different ways you can combine colors in a harmonious way.
Mini Color Dictionary
Learn about color definitions and how to accurately describe your preferred hues.
1:1 Coaching
1 hr — 295 € + taxes
1 hour consultation on colors and making your personal brand stand out online.
via Zoom
The Personal Branding Guide.
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